Yagenbori, from the series One Hundred Beautiful Women at Famous Places in Edo (Edo meisho hyakunin bijo) 「江戸名所百人美女 薬げんぼり」
Artists: Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) (1786–1864)
Other artist: Utagawa Kunihisa II (1832–1891)
Signed: Toyokuni ga, in toshidama cartouche; Kunihisa ga (inset) 豊国画(年玉枠)、国久画
Date: 1858
Publisher: Fujiokaya Keijirô (Shôrindô)Medium: Woodblock print; ink and color on paper
Format: vertical oban; 14 x 9 3/4 in
Fine color, impression, and condition. The binding holes on the left indicate the print came out of an album, which accounts for the perfect color preservation. Prominent woodgrain.
Two examples; MFA impressions: 11.15285, 11.45256
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