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艺术家:奥村正信(1686 -1764)




签名:Hogetsudo Okumura Bunkaku Masanobu Shohitsu


12 3/4 英寸 x 17 3/4 英寸




除了这个之外,只有两个记录的印象,它们都被修剪在黑线内。 一个在 MFA 波士顿(重修剪) 和另外一个 在 #4693 博物馆 Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire,布鲁塞尔。  Gian, Carlo Calza 在浮世绘中插图 (11.10 pg. 124)。见外交部 11.13346。



Masanobu - 从龙宫取回宝石

  • Search: "Muge Hoju no Tama",  the Legend of the Dragon's Palace.

    Comment: This subject is one of the more popular legends in Japanese culture. It's known as the recovery of the Muje Hoju no, Tama. Other names for the legend are, The wife of Kamatari escaping across the sea from the dragon's palace with a magic crystal ball, this version by Shigemasa. There are at least two versions known as "The theft of the pearl" (Tamatori Monogatari zu) by Sugimura Jihei. Another version of the story is depicted in twelve paintings mounted as a pair of six-panel screens known as "Scenes from the Taishokan" by unsigned sold in lot 114, Christie's NY 3.22.02.


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